

We deploy IT and Electronic solutions for corporate services include a wide array of technologies and services aimed at boosting operational efficiency, productivity, and security within corporate settings. These solutions utilize IT and electronic devices to streamline processes, enhance communication, and safeguard sensitive data. Here are some essential components of these solutions:

Network Connectivity, Unified Communication, Cloud  Computing, Software deployment and ERP.

Video Surveillance, Access Control, Intrusion Detection System and Attendance management solution

Timecube is a cloud platform specialized for professional service, it combines the smart attendance terminal and timecube’s hr management system to perfectly generate an enterprise management cloud platform. With timecube, users are able to solve various problems of enterprises’ attendance, personnel management and collaborative office, and quickly achieve informatized management.

is designed to provide employees a time attendance software that employees can record their attendance anywhere within boundaries of the company areas. The solution gives a mobile connection to TIMECUBE which allows users to use their Android or iPhone to punch-in whenever and wherever they need.

User just simply turn on the application on iPhone and Android. Click the punch-in button, the clock-in will be recorded.

With the mobile app., users may apply for leaves or field duties instantly in any mobile device, which provides quick and easy approvals without complicated and time-consuming procedures.

TIMECUBE APP. is designed to allow employees to apply leave, just simply click the button and fill in the reason to apply annual leave on certain day.

After the employees applied the leave via TIMECUBE APP., administrator can approve or reject a leave application of your team member in the Approve/ Reject leaves page.


With the instant positioning function of field duties, and photo-capturing attendance, the preciseness of attendance is ensured, managing staffs’ field duty attendance is no long difficult.

With the mobile app., the positions of staffs can be precisely obtained through position reporting.